CAVCOMM Corporation
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Reliable service at your facility

At CAVCOMM, our unmatched service is always on-site.

If you have a problem with your AV system, we will send a technician to your facility to troubleshoot and solve the problem.


If we can’t fix it on the spot, the fastest and best method to get you up and running is to replace a defective component immediately with a loaner.

Any AV system that CAVCOMM installs carries a one year or longer warranty, depending on the type of system. Our warranty includes on-site service calls and free loaner equipment, plus preventative maintenance visits to anticipate and head off any potential issue. You are fully covered against possible component failures, programming issues, and any other problem related to the installation.

Once your system is out of warranty, or for systems we did not install, we suggest a service agreement. A service contract guarantees a level of response time, includes preventative maintenance visits and free loaners, and gives you first priority should an issue occur.

If you do not choose to buy a service contract, we still want your service business, but of course we will charge for each call. Either way, you will always receive the benefit of our expertise, years of experience and prompt attention.

Our technicians are factory trained and thoroughly qualified to give you the best possible service—every time